Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to increase internet speed in ubuntu

Internet speeds in Ubuntu can be increased. Simply follow the steps.

* Open a Terminal via Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type the following

sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf (press i for edit mode)

* Then Paste the Following at the end of the file:

## increase TCP max buffer size setable using setsockopt()

net.core.rmem_max = 16777216

net.core.wmem_max = 16777216

## increase Linux autotuning TCP buffer limits

## min, default, and max number of bytes to use

## set max to at least 4MB, or higher if you use very high BDP paths

net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216

net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216

## don't cache ssthresh from previous connection

net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 1

net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf = 1

## recommended to increase this for 1000 BT or higher

net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 2500

## for 10 GigE, use this, uncomment below

## net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 30000

## Turn off timestamps if you're on a gigabit or very busy network

## Having it off is one less thing the IP stack needs to work on

## net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0

## disable tcp selective acknowledgements.

net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0

##enable window scaling

net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1

* Then type the follwing to exit and save what you have just done. Press ESC to quit the edit mode and type the following.


* Then type the following to to apply the settings.

sudo sysctl -p

* You can disable all these settings by removing these lines you added via:

sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

HOW TO : Convert .flv to .mp3 in Ubuntu, Debian Linux

Converting flv to mp3 has become so easy in Linux within few minutes.

Installation of FFmpeg on Debian OR Ubuntu Linux

* root:~#apt-get install ffmpeg

Converting .flv to .mp3

* ffmpeg -i input_filename.flv -acodec copy output_filename.mp3

Good luck :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How to Setup Hotmail on iDevice

Microsoft today rolled out Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), which lets users get push notifications on phones and other mobile devices, as part of the Wave 4 release of Windows Live Hotmail. Some users reported EAS working for them two months ago, but only now has Microsoft made it official: e-mail, calendar, and contacts can be pushed automatically to your phone from Hotmail. To enable EAS, use the following settings:

Field Setting
Server/URL m.hotmail.com
Username Full e-mail address (such as: yourname@hotmail.com)
Domain Leave this blank
SSL Enable this
Certificate Accept the SSL certificate when prompted
Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks All can be enabled

Many phones already support ActiveSync for connecting to an Exchange server, but the feature will be particularly useful on phones that support dual ActiveSync accounts, including devices running Microsoft's upcoming Windows Phone 7 OS. Users who don't connect to an Exchange Server, but still have a device with ActiveSync support can also use the new Hotmail feature. Microsoft says over 300 million mobile devices currently support EAS; a full list is available on the Windows Live Solution Center.

Hotmail users have been begging for IMAP and other enhanced syncing capabilities for ages. Microsoft still won't budge on IMAP, but the company did rollout POP3 last year, and now with EAS support this year, it's clear the software giant is finally listening.

Try, Setup Hotmail ActiveSync on iPad device

Microsoft has provided steps for enabling Hotmail ActiveSync on iPad devices.

An iPad supports only a single ActiveSync profile. If your iPad has the existing ActiveSync profile, back up the data and delete it.

1. ON the Home Screen, tap Settings >“Mail, Contacts, Calendar” > “Add Account” > “Microsoft Exchange”
2. Enter the following in fields:

Email: your full Hotmail email address
Domain: Leave blank
Username: your full Hotmail email address
Password: your password
Description: Hotmail

Server: m.hotmail.com

SSL: Enabled
Certificate: Accept the SSL certificate when prompted
Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks: All can be enabled.

3. After finishing the configure, select the data to sync and tap on Save button.

iPad will connect to Hotmail ActiveSync and perform an initial sync for the selected data. You are able to push email, calendar, and contacts with Exchange ActiveSync now. Enjoy it!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Some Useful Secret Codes on Nokia’s S60 Phones

There are some useful secret codes for Nokia S60′s phones to get system information, such as IMEI and software version. To enter theses codes, the phone must be in the idle screen (not in the menu screen). What is idle screen? This is the screen where you see the operator name, date, time, battery level, signal strength and some other stuff. You can switch between idle screen and menu screen using Menu key (Menu key).

*#0000# – Display the software version, the date when the software was built and the phone model. In some cases, the phone model is not the one used by marketing. It is the internal model used inside Nokia. For example, RM-36 is the internal name of Nokia 6680.

Displaying software version in Nokia's S60 phones Displaying software version in Nokia's S60 phones

*#06# – Display IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identify) of your phone.

Displaying IMEI number in Nokia's S60 phones Displaying IMEI number in Nokia's S60 phones

*#2820# (*#BTA0#) – Display the Bluetooth device address of your phone.

Displaying Bluetooth device address in Nokia's S60 phones

*#62209526# (*#MAC0WLAN) – Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that support WLAN

Displaying WLAN MAC address in Nokia's S60 phones Displaying WLAN MAC address in Nokia's S60 phones

*#7370# (*#RES0#)- Reset your phone to the default factory settings. Usually you will need this code when you want to reset your phone back to the same condition when you got it for the first time. When the phone ask for security code, the default one is 12345.

Warning: Before you do reset the phone, make sure that you don’t have important data. Your data on the phone memory will be lost once you reset it.

Reseting Nokia's S60 phones Reseting Nokia's S60 phones Reseting Nokia's S60 phones

*#92702689# (*#war0anty#) – Display the life timer information of your S60 phone, i.e. the total time of phone call (in minutes). Some users have asked how to reset this timer; as far as I know the only way to reset it is by flashing the phone.

Display life  timer information in S60 phones Display life  timer information in S60 phones

*#7780# (*#rst0*) – This will soft reset your phone. It is different from *#7370# because all data, like contacts, calendar and notes, are not removed. It will only reset the phone settings, such as profiles, themes and shortcuts. The default lock code is 12345.

Soft reset S60 phones Soft reset S60 phones Soft reset S60 phones

There is another key combination which is used to hard reset the phone (similar to #*7370). It is useful in some cases, for example when the phone cannot reboot. The trick is by switching off the phone then press and hold Call key (Green key) + * key + 3 key + power button for a couple of seconds. Note that you have to press and hold the four keys at the same time; otherwise it won’t reset the phone. This key combination doesn’t work on some S60 phones.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to install your ipa

This will tell you many of the different ways you can install Chaos Rings.ipa or any other ipa on your iDevice.YOU MUST HAVE A JAILBROKEN DEVICE.

1. Through iTunesThe first and most common method used is through iTunes. You must have the following from cydia.a) Installd Patch for firmware 3.0/3.0.1/3.1.1/3.1.2b) miPatch for firmware 2.2/2.2.1This allows cracked ipas from iTunes be synced onto the iDevice. Simply drag the ipa into iTunes and sync it to your iDevice. You should now have that ipa on your springboard!

2. SSHSSH is a little more complicated than simply using iTunes, but I find it to be the most convenient way. You must have the following from cydia.a)OpenSSHOn your computer, you must also have an SFTP/FTP client installed. I Use WinSCP. Download that here.http://winscp.net/eng/download.phpOnce you install it, open it up and it should take you to a screen with the options new, edit, delete, rename, etc.Select new, and enter the following.

a) Host name: Your host name is always your IP address. Open the settings app on your iDevice, then select WiFi, and tap the blue arrow next to your currently connected WiFi. Where it says IP Address is what your host name is going to be. Type that in the host name.

b) Port number: Should usually leave as is.

c) User Name: Your user name is always root. So type in root.

d) Password: The default password is alpine. Unless you have changed it to something else, type in alpine.

e) Private key file: Just leave this blank.You can either save the connection, so you don't have to fill in all the fields again by clicking save..., or you can just login.Once you are connected, you will be in the directory /private/var/root. Depending on what you would like to install it with, you will have to select different folders.I use the Installous folder, to install my ipas. If you do not have Installous 3 or higher, you can download it from a source.To add a source, go into cydia and select the manage tab. Then select sources, Then edit in the top right corner, and then add in the top left corner. A window should pop up with http:// already typed in. Type in,cydia.hackulo.usThen select add anyway. Now go into the search tab and type in Installous. It should now come up and let you install it.Back to SSHing, click the folder with the two dots until you are in /private/var. Then look for the folder mobile and open it. Then select the documents folder. Then select the Installous folder. And then select the downloads folder. You should now be in /private/var/mobile/Documents/Installous/Downloads.Simply drag the ipa there and let it copy it over. Once it is finished, go on your iDevice and open Installous. The ipa should now be in the downloads tab at the bottom. Simply tap the ipa and select install, then it will install your ipa.

I hope it has helped someone :D

Default Garmin Mobile XT for Windows CE

Default Garmin Mobile XT for Windows CE v5.00.10w and v5.00.20w (update)

Garmin Mobile XT for Windows CE v5.00.20w

Requirements: Windows CE v4.2 or Windows CE v5.0 or Windows CE v6.0, 16MB program memory.
Overview: This is Garmin Mobile XT for Windows Mobile v5.00.20w cracked to work under Windows CE. I have also included a script that does the following:
1. Renames coredl2.dll depending on the Windows CE version
2. Configures/runs Port Splitter
3. Runs explorer
4. Hides the taskbar
5. Loads Garmin settings
6. Runs Garmin Mobile XT
7. Saves Garmin settings
8. Safely stops and exits Port Splitter

More Info:


Download Instructions:
Download all in one package:


Edit Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.mscr to enable/disable PortSplitter.
Delete Garmin\RunGMXT\Settings.dat to reconfigure PortSplitter.

Now it should run on any Windows CE device (4.2, 5.0, or 6.0). Just run Garmin\RunGMXT\Garmin.exe.

Old versions:
Garmin Mobile XT for Windows CE v5.00.10w


Last edited by karagiosis; 30th December 2009 at 20:35. Reason: Updated to v5.00.20w

Best Cydia Sources

Best Cydia Sources
What's best sources iOs 4.0
Working prefect
Try these: (Last one is the best one)

BigBoss : http://apt.bigboss.us.com/repofiles/cydia/

ModMyiFone: http://modmyi.com/repo

Ste: http://repo.smxy.org/cydia/apt/

Telesphoreo Tangelo: http://apt.saurik.com/

ZodTTD: http://www.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/

Andy Dam: http://repo.gafoogle.com/

Intelliborn: http://intelliborn.com/cydia/

iSpazio: http://ispaziorepo.com/cydia/apt/

Urban Fanatics: http://urbanfanatics.com/cydia/

Free Coder: http://iphone.freecoder.org/apt/

iFonetec: http://app.ifonetec.com/cydia/

Hack&Dev.org: http://iphone.hackndev.org/apt/

Steffwiz: http://steffwiz.webs.com/iPhone/Repo

iClarified: http://cydia.iclarified.com


WeHo: http://weho.ru/iphone/

RiP Dev: http://i.ripdev.com


Ste: http://repo.smxy.org/installer4/

iSpazio: http://repo.neolinus.org/ispazio/

A27 Dev Team: http://a27dev.com/installer/repo

Sendowski: http://sendowski.de/iphone/

Hackmyiphone: http://hackmyiphone.net/installer/

Wildcat: http://iphone.handheld.com.vn/installer

M2: http://m2.iphoneall.org

GPDA: http://gpda.ru/r (Tweaks)

iModZone: http://karldj.co.uk/imodzone/ (DOWN)

Hackint0sh: http://hackint0sh.org/repo/ (Hackint0sh official)

iClarified: http://installer.iClarified.com (Repo Sources)

Modmyifone: http://modmyi.com/repo (Community sources)

Handheld: http://i2.handheld.com.vn/ (Community sources)

Norwegian Source: http://installer.ifon.no

iphone Handheld: http://iphone.handheld.com.vn/installer/ (Tweaks & Apps)

Navco: http://www.navco786.com/repo (UK Edge Settings)

Zodttd: http://zodttd.com/repo

STR10COUPE: http://i.srt10coupe.de/ (graphic stuff)

Porno: http://hiphonerepo.com/repo

ELIT3GE: http://elit3ge.info/repo/

Good Luck