Monday, February 16, 2009

How to automatically update Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition definitions without using LiveUpdate

How to automatically update Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition definitions without using LiveUpdate

Your primary Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition server cannot automatically download virus definitions using LiveUpdate. Alternately, you want to automate the process of downloading the daily definitions update download by using an FTP script.

Download and modify the attached Cegetter.bat and Cescript.txt files, and then use the Windows Task Scheduler to schedule them to download daily virus definition updates.

  • These files are provided as an example to assist administrators with downloading the virus definitions without using LiveUpdate. Symantec does not provide technical support for these files, so use them at your own risk.

    The location of the files downloaded by these files may change, causing the updates to fail. In this case, you may need to manually edit the files to point to the new location or refer back to this document for updated versions of the attached files.
  • Cescript.txt was last updated on February 8, 2005. If you are using a previous copy of Cescript, replace it with the current file attached to this document. For additional information about recent changes to the file, read the article Cegetter.bat fails to download daily virus definitions after February 8, 2005.

Download the Cegetter.bat and Cescript.txt files.
  • You must modify the Cegetter.bat to copy definitions to the directory where Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition is installed on the Primary Symantec AntiVirus Server.
  • Both the Cegetter.bat and Cescript.txt should be stored on the root of the Windows boot drive on the computer where it will be executed. If Windows is installed on a drive other than C:, edit the Cescript.txt file to change the drive letter. See the section below titled "To modify the Cescript.txt file to reflect the proper drive letter."
To modify Cegetter.bat to run from the Primary Server
If you plan to schedule and execute Cegetter.bat on the Primary Server, use the following procedure. If you plan to run Cegetter.bat on a computer that is not the Primary Server, skip to the section "To modify Cegetter.bat to run from a computer that is not the Primary Server."
  1. Right-click the Cegetter.bat file, and click Edit.
  2. Find the following line in the Cegetter.bat file:

    move %systemdrive%\*.xdb
  3. If you are using Windows 2000, XP, or 2003, add the characters /y after the word move. The line should look like the following:

    move /y %systemdrive%\*.xdb

    If you are using Windows NT 4.0, do not add /y.
  4. Replace with the path to the folder in which Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition is installed. The default path depends on the version of Symantec AntiVirus:
    • Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 8.x:
      C:\Program Files\SAV
    • Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 9.x:
      C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus

      If long path names are used, then make sure to enclose all path names in quotations, as shown in the Examples section.
  5. Test Cegetter.bat by executing each command, line by line, from a command prompt.
    A DOS window shows the progress of the download.
  6. Schedule Cegetter.bat to get regular definition updates. Cegetter will download the version of Navup8.exe that is released daily.

The Cegetter.bat file should appear as follows if Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 8.x was installed to the default path:

ftp -s:cescript.txt
call "%systemdrive%\navup8.exe"
move %systemdrive%\*.xdb "C:\Program Files\SAV"
del /q %systemdrive%\navup8.exe

The Cegetter.bat file should appear as follows if Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 9.x was installed to the default path:

ftp -s:cescript.txt
call "%systemdrive%\navup8.exe"
move %systemdrive%\*.xdb "C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus"
del /q %systemdrive%\navup8.exe

To modify Cegetter.bat to run from a computer that is not the Primary Server
  1. Right-click the Cegetter.bat file, and click Edit.
  2. Find the following line in the Cegetter.bat file:

    move %systemdrive%\*.xdb
  3. If you are using Windows 2000, XP, or 2003, add the characters /y after the word move. The line should look like the following:

    move /y %systemdrive%\*.xdb

    If you are using Windows NT 4.0, do not add /y.
  4. Change to the directory where Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition is installed on the Primary Server. By default, this directory is shared as VPHOME.

Note: can be a mapped drive to the Primary Server or a UNC path. Symantec recommends using short file names. For example, if the server is mapped as drive x, you could use the following line:

move %systemdrive%\*.xdb x:\VPHOME

You can also specify a UNC path such as the example below, where you replace with the name or IP address of the Primary Server:

move %systemdrive%\*.xdb \\\VPHOME

To copy files into the VPHOME share, change the share permissions to allow access (Full Control) to the account that Cegetter is running under. The default permissions on that share is "Read" for "Everyone."
  1. If you are running Windows 95/98/Me, then remove the "/q" from the following line:

    del /q %systemdrive%\navup8.exe
  2. Test Cegetter.bat by executing each command, line by line, from a command prompt.
    A DOS window shows the progress of the download.
  3. Schedule Cegetter.bat to get regular definition updates. Cegetter will download the version of Navup8.exe that is released daily.

To modify the Cescript.txt file to reflect the correct drive letter
  1. Right-click the Cescript.txt file, and then click Edit.
  2. Find the following line in the Cescript.txt file:

    lcd C:\
  3. Change the C to the drive letter of the drive where Windows is installed.
  4. Save your changes.

Common problems and solutions
  • Incorrect path: Verify that the path to the directory where Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition is installed is correct. The file path should use short file names (DOS). If using long file names, enclose the path in quotation marks.
  • Proxy or firewall issues: If you are using a proxy or firewall that blocks FTP communications, Cegetter will not work. You must allow FTP traffic for the FTP session to succeed. If your proxy or firewall requires authentication, be sure to run the scheduled event using a user name and password that will authenticate and allow access.
  • Permissions: Verify that you can copy the .XDB file into the location on the Primary Server under the account that Cegetter is scheduled with.
  • Running under Windows 95/98/Me: A modified Cegetter.bat file is needed to run under Windows 95/98/Me. For additional information, read the document entitled Error: "File not found - C:\temp\*.vdb - 0 file(s) copied" when using Cegetter.bat to update virus definitions.
    Edit Cegetter.bat to contain the following text:

    ftp -s:cescript.txt
    choice /n/t:c,30/c:cc
    choice /n/t:c,30/c:cc
    move %systemdrive%\*.xdb
    del %systemdrive%\navup8.exe

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