Monday, November 17, 2008

Linux Create / convert AVI file to DVD format ~ Create video DVDs

Create DVD from command line

Following tools get installed with devede:

  1. mencoder : MPlayer’s Movie Encoder) is a simple movie encoder
  2. ffmpeg : FFmpeg video converter
  3. dvdauthor : assembles multiple mpeg program streams into a suitable DVD filesystem

So if you are a pro command line user, type the following commands to convert file1.avi fille2.avi to DVD format (if you are not comfortable with command line use devede GUI software and just skip following commands) :

$ cat file1.avi file2.avi > ccmovie.avi

Now run movie encoder to create out.avi from ccmovie.avi (option -ovc and -oac sets no encoding, just streamcopy)

$ mencoder -o out.avi -noidx -oac copy -ovc copy ccmovie.avi

Next run FFmpeg video converter to set aspect ratio, ntsc dvd television standard etc:

$ ffmpeg -i out.avi -y -target ntsc-dvd -sameq -aspect 16:9 out.mpg

At a high level, a DVD is a collection of menus and titles. Conceptually, a menu contains buttons which can be assigned actions and provides a list of choices to the end user, while a title contains the main content of the DVD. However, in reality many of the features available in menus (including buttons, pausing, and looping) are also available in titles. Use dvdauthor assembles multiple mpeg program streams into a suitable DVD filesystem. You should see DVD filesytem in dvd directory:

$ dvdauthor --title -o dvd -f out.mpg

Creates the table of contents file instead of a titleset:

$ dvdauthor -o dvd -T

Create dvd.iso:

$ mkisofs -dvd-video -o dvd.iso dvd/

Burn dvd.iso to DVD disk:

growisofs -dvd-compat -dvd-video -speed=4 -Z /dev/dvdrw=dvd.iso

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